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How Can You Create Significant Learning Environments?

Well, for the first two weeks I really have to thank Dr. H. because I had a trip planned and he helped me complete two weeks in one and half weeks before the class started. That was very nice of him because it was the week we had a break and he was there supporting me to be successful!

For the first week, we read A New Culture of Learning and reflected about our significant learning environment for our innovation plan. It was interesting to learn that we have to work together, following our passions, learning from each other, having fun with new experiences, and changing the world with our imaginations.

On the second week, we had to review learning philosophies. After reading the characteristics of each one, I found that I identify a little bit with constructivism with a mix of connectivism. To know this is important because I believe that what we are affects how we teach, and knowing my learning philosophy has helped me develop more effective learning environments. Another aspect of this week that I liked a lot was that we had to add a section with annotated bibliography. It helped me to reflect on how each resource was helping me to find the answers I was looking for.

The third week was very hard for me. We had to create a course using a Learning Outcomes 3 Column Table. Even though we had some documents to help us with Fink’s Guide, it was difficult to imagine a whole course with different kinds of assessments than we are used to. It was tough to complete everything in each column, but as always the learning process was interesting because it gave me an idea of something more focused to use in my blended environment.

The fourth week was challenging when I was reading Wiggins & McTighe (2005). The language was hard for me, and I was getting stressed that I was not understanding the concepts. Then, I started to put my course together using the UbD and it was more fluid. I felt that it was something similar to what we already do but with more details. I personally didn’t like the assessment part because I felt that it had to be some kind of formal assessment, but for my plan I chose those open-ended assessment that I am dreaming of for my innovation plan. Again, it was fascinating to experiment with a different format. I noticed how it would be cool to have the time to implement all the courses with a mix of the 3 Column Table and some parts of the UbD, because they help you have a more clear idea of what you want to accomplish.

The last week was my favorite because we got the chance to go back and reflect on our growth mindset process. I just love it! I got to read an article that doesn’t agree with this idea but I am still passioned about it. It has been a process with lots of learning, and I know I have to make a lot of changes to my vocabulary and thinking but I am on my way to get better at living and implementing it. I have seen how it has impacted the attitude of my kids and how they are aware that they need to put effort in to get better at whatever they decide.


Thomas, D. [TEDs Talks] (2018, October 31). A new culture of learning, Douglas Thomas at TEDxUFM [Video file]. Retrieved from

Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design, Expanded 2nd Edition. Pearson

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