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Updates to Innovation Plan

There are so many aspects that I have to rethink about my Innovation Plan! When I started it some classes ago, I felt that to develop a project was easy. The more I advance with my classes and the more I read however, the more I notice how a project requires a lot of experience and planning. I am Colombian, I lived in Mexico, and I am now living in the United States. I have worked in education while living in all of these countries. I have noticed how education is not the same everywhere. Every system has its own culture, expectations, and problems.

I love how with this class we went out of the box. As part of this class we got to learn from the implementation of different ICT projects around the globe. It really opened my eyes to how important it is to take the time to develop a plan with clear strategies, take the time to foreshadow possible barriers and concerns, and to make it sustainable. I learned that the success of an ICT project depends greatly on the good use of the budget that you have as well as a lot of other components that you need to have in mind. You need to be aware of the policies. Before you start a project you need to have the legal knowledge of the expectations and limitations that the government has. Your technology and your applications need to be aligned with the curriculum and the needs of the students. You need to find a way to protect the students but also find a way to open the endless world of possibilities that technology brings to them. You need to set a time to listen to every stakeholder to increase the buy-in. This is because you are listening and finding ways of including different points of view. Parents need to understand the project so there are no misconceptions. Professional development is something that was mentioned in most of the readings. If we want the project to work, we need the people to know what to do. That is why for a well planned professional development is crucial. Teachers need to know how to use the new tools and how to incorporate possible new educational activities that need to be implemented. It is important to keep a constant communication and receive feedback to make changes and to keep giving instruction when needed.

My project has grown in my mind. It started with only five students and now I am dreaming about bigger projects in multiple areas. It is interesting to see how with a correct and well-planned use of technology you can impact the education of every student so they can become independent lifelong learners. It is really fascinating to me to know now that you depend on a lot of people to have a successful project, not only the five students that I had in mind at the beginning.

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