I have noticed, from the learning networks I follow, that it is very important to share what you do that is successful in your area. I will continue to utilize my ePortfolio to become a digital leader by sharing my learning in my blog. I know there is a lot of reading coming so I will post my reflections about the books. I will share my process with my projects. I will write what I am learning with my learning communities and how those new ideas are working with my class. My blog will keep track of every single step I take to become a digital leader.
When I finish this program, I hope my ePortfolio will be my connection with the world, where I can keep sharing my ideas on how to be a better teacher using the best apps or tools according to the students needs, or how to implement technology in the most effective ways in other areas.
Sharing the ePortfolio is vital to Digital Learning and Leading. How can we expect out students to do it unless we showcase our ePortfolio to set the example. I look forward to seeing your posts and blogs as we all grow in this program.